Saturday 2 April 2016

Applicability of Strengths Based Development

How will it help Individual?
  • They will know themselves – will know their talents.
  • They will be able to convert their talents into strengths.
  •  They will be able to leverage their strengths to achieve your desired and
  • SMART goal(s).
  • They will work in their respective strengths zones and be fully engaged.

People working in the strengths zone:
  • Look forward to going to work
  • Have more positive than negative interactions with co-workers
  • Treat customers better
  • Tell their friends they work for a great company
  • Achieve more on a daily basis
  • Have more positive, creative, and innovative moments

How will this benefit managers?
  1. It will help mangers to discover, develop and use their unique talents for greater team engagement and productivity;
  2. It will help managers identify how they can purposefully aim their talents so that team members both individually and collectively, are better equipped to accomplish their goals and performance objectives and respond to every situation;
  3. Managers will be able to recruit and select candidates with talents that match those of the best performers in each role and to find employees with the highest potential for excellence;
  4. Mangers will be able to create a working environment where employees are involved in, committed to, and enthusiastic about their work and the organisation as a whole;
  5. Managers will be able to help employees meet and exceed the outcomes that the organisation expects them to achieve.
  6. Managers will be able to support employees in gaining the knowledge, skills and experiences they need to develop their talents and use their strengths to achieve proficiency and excellence in their roles.
How will it benefit the Organisation?
  1. When a manger understands, appreciates, and invests in team members’ strengths, his or team tend to be more productive and engaged.
(a)  Teams that focus on strengths everyday have 12.5% greater productivity:
(b)  People who focus on using their strengths are SIX TIMES more likely to be engaged in their jobs.
2. When managers influence and inspire engagement, their jobs become easier and their teams are more productive.
(a)   Workgroups with high employee engagement levels experience 22% higher profitability and 21% higher productivity;
(b)  Teams with high employee engagement levels experience 37% lower absenteeism and 10% higher customer ratings.
3. When managers help their employees create clear performance expectations and regularly check in on progress and performance, their employees and teams become more productive, cost effective, creative and adaptive.

 How will it help Students?
  1. Discover their talents.
  2. Understand their talents.
  3. Convert these talents into strengths.
  4. How to leverage their strengths to achieve their goals?
  5. Understand their Domains of Strengths
  6. .Early identification of their strengths will lead them to the right path of success.
  7. 7.    Will enable them to work from their strengths zone and be fully engaged.
  8. Will help them to become driver and not be driven by someone else.
  9. Will improve their ability to take an interview confidently.
  10. 10 Their best bet for success lies in building on who they already are, not in trying to become someone they’re not.

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